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Eolus Royal Council

Eolus people first came in contact with the human races in year 2015. They where the creators of the Jump gate technology, and the first alien race to be introduced to Zoid technology. They are strong allies the humans race  ever  one reason for this is in 2015 the crew of the SC387 while cross into the Eolus solar system where caught in the Etaka  war. Eolus where are war with the Racon council a large army of Eolus soldiers that tried to overthrow their royal government. The SC387 of the crew assisted the Eolus Royal Government in their war introducing Zoids into Eolus battle. 100 mighty Zoids walked on the battle field catching the Racon off guard for they never seen such beasts as Zoids. The Racon didn't have any tactical way to take these beast out, and eventually surrendered. After this the people of earth, and the people of  Eolus  meet for the first time in the process help form our new government nation know called the United Galaxies. Eolus are a proud, and noble race of people, they hold to to their past never losing the traditions of their ancestors. 


Organization of Eolus Council   

All members of the Eolus forces are commanded by the Royal Council, the Royal Council is composed of Queen, General, King General ,Prince, and Princess. The Queen makes all the decision for the Eolus while her General usually her father is her advisor. The King fall third in the ladder because he has no real say so in any matter her their to take care of the Queen, and help her carry on the Royal blood. The Prince, and the Princess may seem to young to make any type of decisions but they are like the second link to the Royal Council. 3 Years after birth the Prince, and Princess are school in the education of Eolus Malika fighting arts, History, and basic ethics'  of the Royal Council' up to date government procedures. From then the Princess will be Educated to become the next Queen by the age of 19, the Eolus people believe that youth brings wise decisions.

Rank in Eolus army


Queen over seen all over sees the General in war times 
General are almost equal as one in war situations as Queen in charge of Royal forces 
Malika Warriors advanced soldiers of the Royal army trained in Malika warrior ways, and expert pilot of Zoids 
Female Zoid ground/air pilots 
Male Zoid ground/ air Pilots   
Heavy assault Zoid Pilots 
Ground Soldiers
Ship crew & Technicians 





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Eolus Royal Council

Mushila Council