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Grandia Station

Titan Station

Woern Station

Shinshiko City

Zeta Station 

Tournaments Chart


Cloud and Thomas Zoid's

Zan's Arsenal  Station 

Rick's Zoid Works











Since 2022 Gate travel cancelled all idea of distance in space, now even the furthest of stars can be reached in a few days. A Jump gate has been placed at every major solar system by the traveling colonization vessels allowing people to use gate travel than using. However your allowed to go through the gate for a small fee. To help with planning your travel colonization vessels released to the public a database of all charted solar system. 



Jump Gates 



Note: The names on the map represent whole solar system, not planets 


Alpha Quadrant  

  • Centauri: One of the first colonized regions. Most of it's planets are completely covered in water

  • Tadon: Host to the Qay dockyard. Planet Mushila home of the Mushila race

  • Proxima: Also Colonized by the Musila people. Where the Musila hold their Zenar Zoid Tournament 

  • Hemomlu: host to the Titan Station 

Gamma Quadrant

  • Zion: The only un colonized solar system. The reason is the planets in this system revolve round they're Sun rather close causing  almost unlivable conditions. Companies venture out here to mind for various types of resources. 

  • Sharon: Host to Grandia Factory/Trade station, half of the resources gathered from Zion are brought here to either turn into goods or sell on at the market.

Battle Lands  

  • Sangie: Most of the planets are cover with jungles. Makes it an attractive spot for tourist, and Zoid pilots. Host to the Hoyle Tournament.

  • Woern: Most of the planet consist of deserts. Home for most Criminals, and Thieves, Bounty Hunters. This system is under the control of Haroto Clan. Due to certain agreements no military, or Police officials are allowed to inter this system. Also host Woern Station

  • Aurora: All the planets in this solar system are mostly all water. This is where the Aquanar Tournament is held 

  • Eolus: This most of the planets in this system has different density of gravity ranging from zero to 1.7  times earths gravity. Home to Eolus race, and Krie u Tame Tournament (Kriu u Tame is Eolus for Battle of Demons)

The Core 

  • Kobe: All the planets except for one are mined for resources by the Shinshiko corporation.  Shinshiko City the only planet that isn't mined by the Shinshiko corporation. One of the main headquarters of the Zoid battle commission , and Headquarters to Shinshiko corporation. Host to the largest city in the Galaxy.

  • Pesasus: Owned by the Shinshiko corporation all planets have be transformed to become world for only settlement, and product for the company,

  • Centuries: Center of production of all heavy industries, ecological disaster.

  • Jarule: UG fleet yard, and Zorie Base. Position here to protect any of the companies factories from terrorist, and rebellious attacks.

  • Petrus: All the planets in this systems have been severely sapped of resources. The atmosphere of these planets are highly populated causes from factories of the Shinskio corporation that used to occupy this system. Host of the Shinshiko Tournament this Tournament is sponsored by the Shinshiko Corporation.

Wise  Quadrant 

  • Carfus:Most of the planets in this system are suitable to hold different types of life here. This system is dedicated to the preservation of all endangered life in the galaxy. 

  • Grandia: Famous for hosting School world, the planet with the largest library, and databank UG. All here is dedicated to studies, since many universities. The UG academy is located here , as well as other military schools.

  • Emonde: Host to the UG base Goliath 

Omega Quadrant

  • Eridani: Hosting most of the natural springs, this system is a tourist attraction 

  • Oriei: has been to the assembly of the faith by the UG, each religion member of the assembly been given the opportunity to transform one of the planets to applicate its dogma and make it a center of faith for all believers. Very Peaceful

  • Hericulis: Host to the largest military facilities after earth's.

  • Flutie: Zeta Station. Blitz Tournament the only tournament held inside a space station.

SOL System        

Earth: Home to the Human race main headquarters to the Zoid Battle Commission . This is where the first Zoid leagues where held. Home to the Royal Cup the championship of the Zoid League. All Zoid Pilots work  their entire lives trying to become champions, and Heroes to the Universe. 





Players Board



Zoid Battle Commission

Galaxy Map

Zoid Station

Battle Manual 


Eolus Royal Council

Mushila Council