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The Rules



Grandia Station

Titan Station

Woern Station

Shinshiko City

Zeta Station 

Tournaments Chart


Cloud and Thomas Zoid's

Zan's Arsenal  Station 

Rick's Zoid Works










Zeta Station 


Construction started in 2050 and was just recently completed in 2053. A huge station equipped with its very own battle area  the only space station with a Zoid battle area inside the dimension are 30 x 30 miles , and the roof is measured at 1,000 ft decent height for flying. Zoid pilots come from all around to see this amazing site waiting for the chance to battle, or enter the Blitz Tournament. Since this station is a good site to attraction for money spenders many business have flocked here. Some big names are Cloud and Thomas Zoid's, Zan's Arsenal Station, and Rick's Zoid Works to name a few.

Establishments: Cloud and Thomas Zoid's, Zan's Arsenal Station, and Rick Zoid Works.

Clubs: Blitz, Inferno, Static, and Wave

Bar: Zoid Lounge, Ace Wings, 




Players Board



Zoid Battle Commission

Galaxy Map

Zoid Station

Battle Manual 


Eolus Royal Council

Mushila Council