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Cloud and Thomas Zoid's

Zan's Arsenal  Station 

Rick's Zoid Works












If you want repair ,modify or rearm any type of Zoid Rick's Arsenal works is the right place. You are required to pay in creds since Rick's Zoid Works is the main provider of all industry products.

Rick's family has had a long tradition of space traders, and Zoid technicians if something is impossible to be done in term of technical specifications they can do it. If  they don't have all kinds of high tech equipment , there is always a chance to find it on the black market. But be careful because you might not have enough creds to pay. 




Support Upgrades 





Race Horse 






Bang Big


Outfit your Zoid with theses modules that give it more speed maneuverability, or countermeasures. There's a fast pack for everyone  equipped fast packs always give game bonuses. Like better dodge, agility, and more speed due to the added rockets. 



The prices vary often you might find a second hand module on sale



AIIC is Shinshiko corporation latest Combat computer. The company recently had a enormous setback during the corporate wars but the company  managed to keep holds of it's throne with this new release. This next generation combat computer will surely be a rival on the market.

Value: For people that need to use extraordinary machinery for specific purposes needs a combat computer with the right specifications. For example recon and data collection. This computer also provides a better fire control system, which will give you some gaming bonuses. (Like if you hit of miss)


CA: 580

DB: 200

TR: 200

AC: 3

FCS: 3

M: 12

OS: Z-COS: 5.0


CA: Computer Ability 

DB: Database. amount of images stored in the database  

TR: Tracking. amount of targets the combat computer can track at the same time 

AC: Accuracy. accuracy rating on a scale of 10 the larger the number the better FCS

FCS: Fire Control System. rated on a scale of 10 and determines bonuses

M: Modules. The storage size of the computer 

OS: which Operating system  is mounted 


500 creds


Rick's arsenal brings to you they're latest shield generator. Although it is initially takes up more space than the Shinshiko corporation module, but at a cheaper price. It does add extra defense and it creates two full energy disc. More than two disc will result in disc with lower protection value. 

However the system is designed to take a beating, it's regeneration rate is very  slow, and it cannot be modified.

In some cases you have to be prepared to make a body modification to fit this system into you Zoid. Consult you Rick's  sales advisor.

Protection: LAC: 160/ MAC: 80/ HAC: 60

Upgrade Value: Provides more protection making your Zoid more durable.


20 Creds




This enhanced radar has a 200 mile range. This radar is actually modified from the Zola 3A the Radar that all standard  Zoids have.  

10 creds

Zigle 2B  


With this upgrade you shield generator will late longer, but it will take 10% longer to recharge.

Usual: 7 creds 


Zigle 3B  

Same as Zigle 2B except the defense protection will go up 20%

Usual: 9 creds


Zigle 3B+  


Same as Zigle 2B excpt the recharge rate is 40% faster. Due to the size of this module and the limited space on the Zoid you might have to take a few things out. 

You should consult your Rick's sales advisor. 

Usual: 14 creds




The new active/passive optical system is able to view any portion of visible or invisible spectrum, from infrared to ultraviolet and anything in between. So it gives the pilot the ability to see in the dark , or through smoke using infrared, through water or fog using ultraviolet. It can even detect heat emission form concealed targets. The sensors can use either an active or passive scanning mode. In active mode, the GUAL actually projects a beam of light (invisible or invisible) and views the reflection of objects. In passive the sensors simply recover data without emitting  light. This system provides the pilot with a bonus of +10% when tracking or trying to detect an ambush. Results of the scars can be view on the main display screen.

30 creds



Item Name Description  Price 
Kopona (for flying)   Shinshiko corporation Anti Gravitational engine Kopona a two ton piece of work. It is based for us by ground, and water type Zoids. Two 3- dimensional independent exhaust are equipped for greater maneuverability, and performance. Does   have a problem with carrying  heavy mounts of equipment due to cooling problems.

Upgrade Value: a more powerful engine means you go faster. It also gives you a better dodge bonus depending on your Zoid. In conjunction to your structural limits.

55 creds
Malden (for flying)   


Two Shinshiko/Rick's Malden Anti Gravitational engine. Yes we of Rick help to design this engine. 

Note this engine is for flying type Zoids

Upgrade Value: A more powerful engine means you go faster. It also gives you a better dodge bonus depending on your Zoid. In conjunction to your structural limits. 

45 creds

Tuning and Modifications 




At Rick's you can let us tune up or modify your vehicle, or Zoid. There are no prices because the price differs per Zoid and assignment. Upgrade value depend on type of Zoid.

Tuning stage 1  


We'll try to fine tune your existing equipment by slightly modifying and adjusting various settings

Tuning stage 2  

We'll optimize your Zoid by replacing your Zoids existing parts with high quality parts 

Tuning stage 3  

Rick's will optimize your Zoid by replacing your Zoids existing parts with high quality part. We'll modify internal components for faster motion, and movements.

Body Work  

Rick's can do physical modifications to your frame, and body of any Zoid. Allow to carry more a expense or to handle more stress. Body works also includes adding new limbs or replacing existing one. 

Software extends your computer  abilities by simply giving them more knowledge on how to perform certain tasks.

The more powerful your computing abilities   are the more task it can run at one time. Be aware of the requirements when you purchase your software 



This software gives better targeting for sniper based Zoids. Giving a simple interface to lock onto target with either a scope or built in sniper controls.

12 creds
This module uses 3 module slots 


When the recon module interfaces with compatible hardware it will scan for their capabilities and configure the combat system to use advance reconnaissance systems, for identification, scanning and intelligence gathering.

17 creds 
This Module uses 2 module slots 

With this software you give your combat computer the task to move extra movable parts on your Zoid. For Example the Shadow Fox retractable weapon holder. With out this software it wouldn't have the full 360 degree motion.

10 creds

This module uses 2 module slots 

Z-COS 6.0  



The new combat operating version 6.0 features upgrades  routines for faster execution and uses less resources than the previous versions 


The Benefits would be more available computer. But depends on the system you already have so no fixed value.

This takes no module space since the combat computer has a separate module for the operating system  

80 creds



Looking for a part and can't find it? Remember this is only a leaflet about the most sought after parts. Ask you Rick's sales advisor about it. High chances are your part will be available. 
















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