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Cloud and Thomas Zoid's

Zan's Arsenal  Station 

Rick's Zoid Works












Cloud's Zoid he has made a promising name for himself for giving people deals, especially when it comes to Zoids. Cloud a retired Zoid Royal Cup Champion has earned the respect of Everyone around. Even though his associate   Thomas born, and raised on the soil of Eolus he's the Shifting Shadow of the Company. According to the local rumors Thomas is the kind of guy who steals your wrecked Zoid, gives it a brand new paint and then sells it for 5,000 Creds telling you it's the latest thing that he has to sell because his grandmother is badly ill. So you'd better think  twice before making any transaction here.
There are no friends in business, only clients and merchants.
If you heard that a Military depot has been raided, you can be sure to find some old Zoids at Cloud and Thomas Zoids the following day; so take your technical manual, some creds  and have fun shopping


 Official list of legal Zoids




1,500 Creds

500 creds



3,000 creds

2,000 Creds

700 creds


Lighting Saix 

5,000 creds

3,000 creds

1,000 creds



6,000 creds

4,500 creds

3,000 creds


Liger Zero 

5,000 creds

3,500 creds

2,500 creds 




1,500 creds 

550 creds


Blade Liger

4,000 creds 

3,000 creds

1,750 creds


Storm Sworder

7,000 creds 

5,000 creds 

2,000 creds


Gun Sniper

5,500 creds 

3,850 creds 

2,000 creds 


Konig Wolf 6,000 creds  4,500 creds  2,750 creds  Rare 
Hound Soldier ------------------  1,750 creds  900 creds   Excellent 
Elephander 4,750 creds  3,000 creds  2,500 creds  Moderate 
Command Wolf ------------------- 1,000 creds  500 creds  Excellent 
Cannon Tortoise  2,950 creds  1,500 creds  700 creds  Good 
Wardick  3,000 creds   2,000 creds  --------------- Good 
Berserk Fuhrer  11,000 creds   9,000 creds  --------------- ?
Geno Breaker  9,000 creds  7,000 creds  5,000 creds  Rare
Shield Liger 3,000 creds  1,500 creds  500 creds  Good 
Geno Saurer  6,000 creds   4,500 creds  2,000 creds  Good
Griffin  ? ? ? ?
Tritops  7,000 creds  ----------- -------------- Rare 

Note: These are some of our most asked for Zoid We have a lot more than advertised on the list

Cargo Ships

Name Zoid Capacity  Description  Price
Whale JR 1 Zoid A mimi Verison of a Whale King. Has the equipment to exchange weapons, during battle . This Ship is made for the loner. 1,000 Creds
Class A CS27 2 Zoids  Has the equipment to exchange weapons, during battle . This Ship is made the loner, or a loner and his partner.  2,000 creds
Class B CS27 3 Zoids  Has the equipment to exchange weapons, during battle .  4,000 creds
Class C CS27 4 Zoids Has the equipment to exchange weapons, during battle . Team ship 5,5000 creds 

Please pay attention . Second hand usually is 30% off the New Price .
However with second hand usually it is the case that the Zoid has been modified severely by the previous user allowing for the price to rise .

This is the reason why usually the price isn't 30 % of the new price .
If you think of it logically you'd say the previous owner would have upgraded and fine tuned it so much to at a point where he cannot and to achieve better results has to buy a better Zoid.
So these prices differ in our shops . Please ask the salesman for a list of Zoids  in the second hand class with their specifications so you can make your choice .

A wreck means salvaged Zoids that have operational cores and cockpits .
As for the rest it usually means that Zoid can come in with broken manipulators , damaged engines , venire thrusters destroyed , Head destroyed , Wings destroyed and usually a good pounding to the overall armor .

These types of Zoids  how unattractive it may sound are still sold well as with the very low cost it can be modified to something else more easily or just strip it's components ,or core. It is totally up to you




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